The adenoids are amazing parts of the lymphatic system. During childhood they are busy bulking up and building up the immune system. Adenoids detect incoming bacteria and viruses and are the first line of defense when they show up.
But, they can be too much of a good thing. Recurring infections can cause adenoids and tonsils to swell. The swelling can restrict free breathing through the nose and affect the sound of your child’s voice.
If recurring infections in the throat, tonsils or ears are a problem, the ENT may recommend adenoid surgery. The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis and can have a positive impact on your child’s life in many ways.
- Fewer Throat Infections. Your child may still have an occasional sore throat or infection, but it will be occasional. Your child will have the “normal” amount of viral infections, but the overall number of infections will decrease. That means fewer days of school missed.
- Reduced Mouth Breathing. Swollen adenoids and tonsils restrict breathing through the nasal passages. When these are removed, breathing through the nose will be much easier. This is important because the body is designed to bring in oxygen through the nose. When your child is breathing through their nose, the air they bring in is properly conditioned for delivery to the lungs. This is a good thing! While there may still be a small amount of mouth breathing, it will be greatly reduced.
- Reduced Ear Infections. When adenoids are infected or just enlarged, they put pressure on the Eustachian tube in the ears. This canal is primarily tasked with ventilating the middle ear and equalizing pressure. However, it’s secondary function is to drain the middle ear. If the Eustachian tube is restricted by swollen adenoids, it cannot perform this function properly. That leads to recurring ear infections. When the adenoids are removed, this removes a source of restriction on the tube, allowing it to perform properly. That means fewer ear infections. That’s a good thing!
- Sweeter Breath. Those precious kisses will be even sweeter after adenoid surgery. That’s because swollen and infected adenoids or tonsils are a source of bacteria that cause bad breath. Remove the source of the bacteria and even without changing the existing dental routine the breath will smell better.
- Improved Vocal Quality. Large adenoids affect the sound of a child’s voice. The nasal passageway is an important part of the process of creating sound. When the nasal passages are blocked by increased adenoids, it is like talking with a stuffed nose. Pitch, tone and articulation can all be negatively impacted by swollen adenoids. No amount of speech therapy will correct speech problems caused by enlarged adenoids. However, adenoid surgery will remove the blockage and improve tone and pitch.
Adenoid surgery can cause an uncomfortable period of seven to 10 days, but as you can see the benefits are long-lasting and well worth the brief period of discomfort.